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- A Story For Eamon "The Train You Get Lost On" - We sit together on the back porch in comfortably battered white wicker chairs, watching a perfect sunset end a perfect day. The porch screening bellies more than a bit, its muscle tone giving out after twenty years of service, but mainly it does the job, and when it doesn't, there's the wasp and hornet zapper over in the corner next to the grill. A bit early in the season for real worry on that score. We're barely into May, though it's so warm you'd swear it was July.... Read More of The Train You Get Lost On.
- The Adoption Papers - Wednesday night, January 12. I walk into the apartment, home from a not good play. Eamon looks up from his computer screen, blows a kiss, and says Joanna wanted me to call her if I got in by 11 or so. "Something the matter?"
"Not that she said."
But my suburban, mother-of-three daughter does not invite a call at 11 on a school night just to chat.
"Hi, honey, what's up? Anything wrong?"
"No, nothing wrong. I've found her." Omigod! With no preamble about who "her" is, I know.
Words I said 40 years ago fill my head: "...and I was a mommy waiting for a baby because I couldn't grow one in my tummy. This other lady could grow a baby, but she wasn't a mommy, so I got to be your mommy. Lucky me!"
The adoption story I told each of my two kids was true as far as it went, a comfy way to explain something far from comfy. I recall 4-year-old Richard in the tub looking up at me, saying, "Too bad for her; she missed a good kid." And for sure she did. Joanna, incisive even at 3, would ask, Why? Why wouldn't a baby grow inside me? How come the other lady couldn't be a mommy? I'd answer as well as I could—analogies with gardens and soil and such, plus a few don't-knows. I didn't mention my two successive miscarriages or the recurrent dream that plagued me for years after: searching frantically for a baby I'd put down somewhere, knowing that it was hungry, hearing its weakening cry.... Oprah Magazine or download The Adoption Papers
Carol Brennan & Caroline Slate Novels
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Carol Brennan Novels
Writing As Caroline Slate
This unusual, interesting novel is well crafted and suspenseful. Grace is an appealing and sympathetic character. Romantic Times Book Club